Outlook Project Tasks
Outlook project task creation and management is simple using TrackerOffice.

Creating Project Tasks in Outlook
TrackerSuite.Net is a 100% Web based solution that can be surfaced in Microsoft Outlook. It includes a project management module that allows managers to configure project tasks in Outlook, as well as simplifying their assignment, management and tracking. Assignees can easily review scheduled work in Outlook task lists and calendars.
It also integrates with Outlook in other ways:
- If the user receives an email that provides a good work description, they can create a task for it by dragging the email to a TrackerSuite.Net folder.
- Tasks in TrackerSuite.Net and Microsoft Outlook can be synchronized.
- It can send automatic email notifications of task assignments and status updates.
- Outlook resource scheduling - TrackerSuite.Net provides reports on resource allocation and availability that can be surfaced within the Outlook client.
TrackerSuite.Net does not require Microsoft Exchange. It may hosted in your organization's private Cloud, or delivered as a service from Automation Centre.

Project Tracker simplifies the creation and assignment of project tasks. Assignments can be dated, categorized and prioritized as warranted, and assigned to current project team members.