Project Team Management with Outlook
Project team management with Outlook and TrackerOffice simplifies project team creation and supervision.

Project Team Management with Outlook
TrackerSuite.Net is a 100% Web based solution that can be surfaced in Microsoft Outlook. It includes a project management system that simplifies project team management with functions for Outlook resource scheduling.
Managers can search for and review employee skills and training, as well as utilize resource assignment reports to track available and possibly under-utilized resources.

TrackerSuite.Net does not require Microsoft Exchange. It may hosted in your organization's private Cloud, or delivered as a service from Automation Centre.

Using project folders in Project Tracker, managers can easily supervise their project teams, direct assignments and adding or removing resources as needed.
New project team members can quickly be assigned a work category and effort level, and their purpose or objective as part of the team noted for other managers and administrators.