Outlook Document Management
Outlook document simplifies projects, storing important project files in a central, secure online location.

Managing Project Documents in Outlook
TrackerSuite.Net is a 100% Web based solution that can be surfaced in Microsoft Outlook. It includes a project management module that provides a comprehensive document management system with features including:
- Search and filtering functions.
- The ability to create new documents from templates.
- Document review and approval workflow.
- Document check-in / check-out and version control functions, establish document control in team workspaces.
It also makes it easy to create project documents as well- users can simply drag-and-drop emails in the Outlook client to a TrackerSuite.Net folder to create a new document, task or support ticket.
TrackerSuite.Net does not require Microsoft Exchange. It may hosted in your organization's private Cloud, or delivered as a service from Automation Centre.

In Project Tracker, each project management folder in TrackerOffice provides a centralized location for document storage, such as presentations, proposals, contracts and evaluations. .