Microsoft Outlook Time Pie Reports
Microsoft Outlook Time Pie reports in TrackerOffice allow managers and executives to quickly review organizational efforts within their email client.

Time Pie Reports in Microsoft Outlook
TrackerSuite.Net is a 100% Web based solution that can be surfaced in Microsoft Outlook. It includes a reporting engine that receives data pushed from the various TrackerSuite.Net modules and consolidates it into meaningful business intelligence reports, including Time Pies, Budget vs. Actual, Project Portfolio Dashboards and more.

TrackerSuite.Net does not require Microsoft Exchange. It may hosted in your organization's private Cloud, or delivered as a service from Automation Centre.

Utilizing Microsoft Outlook / Exchange, the TrackerOffice Data Warehouse provides a variety of business intelligence reports, including time pie graphs like the one pictured here. All of these reports can be pivoted and filtered as needed, and exported to either Microsoft Excel or Word.